

Page history last edited by PBworks 16 years, 3 months ago

Marco Kersten




Contact Details



Spain, Barcelona/ Germany, Berlin


Brief Biografy


Born and grown in 1982, in a calm and green district in the Northeast of Berlin. Often I was climbing on trees or plyaing with friends near a small river buildin barreges. So I could enjoy the nature in spite of living in the city.

Going to school untill the age of 19, than I made an formation to architectual draftsman, but I couldn't find a Job. So I was workin in a lot of different Jobs just to earn a little Money and in my freetime I was often workin with nice woman in her garden, she had a liddle shop selling gives and flores,also we made workshops with children breaken bred, makin oil & vinegar with herbs, makin music and doing handicrafts... I learned a lot, and she allways gave me fresh vegis from her garden for workin there.

In that time I read a lot of books about ecoligical and sostainable development... And I get to know about  Masanobu Fukuoka and Bill Mollison

That was my first contact with Permaculture, and just agree with what they sayed so much. I started to search for people workin with that ideas, and I found a place called Paradiesplatz

near Berlin where I made an internship for two month with Thomas Beutler. 





(but make sure you edit the Marco page, not the Profiles page!)


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