Leo Bakx
Contact details
A: Eindhoven, The Netherlands
E: info(AT)aardwerk(DOT)org (preferred)
E: info(AT)leobakx(DOT)com
T: +316 4284 4081
S: leobakx
Brief biography
- PDC, 2006 from Claire & David Coleman of Living Waters Permaculture Foundation, Denmark, Western Australia.
- volunteer De Kleine Aarde ("the small earth"), 1973/74, centre for appropriate technology and human scale society (www.dekleineaarde.nl)
- volunteer environmental movement, field biology in the Netherlands, 1970s - present
- certified primary school teacher
- secondary school biology teacher
- member of NIBI (Dutch institute for biology professionals) www.nibi.nl
- member steering group Transition Town Eindhoven eindhoven.transitiontowns.nl
- affiliate of Dutch Co-operation for Permaculture permacultuur.nl
- running small permaculture design and education business Aardwerk aardwerk.org - in Dutch only
- chairperson of Vereniging Ecodorp Brabant (Ecovillage Brabant Association)
Projects / investigations
Current clients:
Introduced PermaBlitz in the Netherlands, 26 july 2009 in Eindhoven - done two now with 4 more planned for 2010 aardwerk.org
Initiated eco/art/permaculture neighborhood food garden project with Van Abbemuseum (2009) vanabbemuseum.nl
Teaching a free PDC course for small group of volunteers aardwerk.org
Coaching students of the Design Academy www.designacademy.nl and Fontys Teachers Training College Tilburg www.fontys.nl/lerarenopleiding/tilburg/
Developing national permaculture education program for Co-operation for Permaculture in the Netherlands permacultuur.nl
Participating in the establishment of Ecodorp Brabant ("ecovillage brabant") http://ecodorpbrabant.nl
Offers and Wants
On offer:
- expert knowledge and experience with bamboo, teaching, internet communication & publication
- writing, editing, translating English <> Dutch
- photography
- PDC course materials from different regions around the world
Recently discovered that Bill Mollison visited the Netherlands in 1989 and gave lectures in Boxtel at De Twaalf Ambachten (founded by Sietz Leeflang, the Dutch pioneer of sustainable technology and living) and the Technical University of Eindhoven. I've been invited by Lieselot Leeflang, Sietz' daughter who in now running DTA to revive Bill's original design of their spiral vegie garden.
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