

Page history last edited by PBworks 17 years, 2 months ago

John Pozzi




Contact details


  • Florida, USA
  • john.pozzi(at)comcast(dot)net
  • Tel. ..? .. skype?

how do you prefer people to contact you John?





anything else about your background (in brief, add link to CV if you want), so we can know u a little better?



Projects / Investigations


Founder Member of the Global Reserve Bank http://www.grb.net


& you run an interesting campsite in Florida no? link?




John, you can just delete all everything below, or fill in the bits you like ok



This is from the new page PROFILES :

The BASIC PATTERN for each page - in brief:


a) Full name

b) Your photo (face, less than 30kb and about 6x8cm)

c) contact details (WHERE you are in the world + email, phones, skype)

d) brief biography (see point 5) below)

e) your projects / investigations (BRIEF descriptions and links)

f) Offers and Wants (see Lucas for a good eg.) what help, expertise, info, materials, etc. you need and can offer

g) Accounting (in ThePermis)

h) anything else (that is about you)


You don´t have to have ALL of these sections in your profile, but we do ask you fill them in in this order

(a page will only be accepted initially if it has at least the top 3, ie. a, b & c ... but please do come back and add more later: it helps this whole thing work how it´s meant to, for the benefit of all of us)




So I´ve set up the first parts for you, & the headings below are extra (do fill them in if you want), the above ones are the basic essential ones.



Offers and Wants


John, this is about what help, expertise, info, materials, etc. you need and can offer


- how would you like us to help with the GRB project for eg.?


(in order of pref. ..eg. I´d imagine you´d say something like

1) become a member of the GRB,


but if you don´t wanto / can't do that..

2) give me feedback on the design / web info for the GRB, etc.


but if you don´t wanto / can´t do that ..

3) come stay at my campsite ... or whatever


am just thiking that the more SPECIFIC you are, the more likely to get what you need (but of course no guarantees, etc.)


and this project is primarily about getting to know each other so that we can help with all these wonderful projects











anything else (that is about you)


eg. .. your first page? JohnPozzi


shall we keep it here for archive, and explain how we improved a little thanks to it?


found this other pic ..


on a boat in the Amazon, June 2007



You don´t have to have ALL of these sections in your profile, but we do ask you fill them in in this order

(a page will only be accepted initially if it has at least the top 3, ie. a, b & c ... but please do come back and add more later: it helps this whole thing work how it´s meant to, for the benefit of all of us)










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