

Page history last edited by PBworks 16 years, 7 months ago

Geoff Lawton






Permaculture Consultant, Designer & Teacher




Holder of Diploma’s of Permaculture Design, since 1995 in: Education, Design, Implementation, System Establishment, Administration and Community Development

In 1996 accredited with the Permaculture Community Services Award by the permaculture movement for services in Australia and around the world

Since 1985, Geoff Lawton has undertaken 1,000’s of jobs consulting, designing, teaching and implementing in seventeen different countries around the world. Clients have included private individuals, groups, communities, governments, aid organizations, non government organisations and multi national companies.

In October 1997 Bill Mollison, upon his retirement, asked Geoff to establish and direct a new Permaculture Research Institute on the 147 acre Tagari Farm previously developed by Bill. Geoff Lawton developed the site over three years and established The Permaculture Research Institute as a registered charity and global Networking centre for Permaculture projects. Geoff Lawton is the managing director of The Permaculture Research Institute.



2003 – 2004 – Kiribati, Tarawa in the far South Pacific, wholistic complete island consultancy involving total island inputs and outputs.

Jordan, design of ministry of agriculture research station for conversion to diverse, organic production.

Iraq design of a completely destroyed Kurdish village near Erbil, using strawbale building technique for housing structures.

Egypt, teaching and consulting on permaculture design.

New Orleans, Louisiana, USA , taught 2 permaculture design certificate courses one through association with Tulane University and one through the Cypress Accadomy.

Mexico, Oaxaca taught a permaculture course to 53 students.

2002 – 2003 – Mexico, Oaxaca design of a permaculture demonstration site education center, including the implementation of four dams and a large water harvesting system.

More design work in Jordan and Australia.

2001 – 2002 – Numerous design consultancy jobs in both Jordan and Australia.

Including the design of Diversity Farm the new home of The Permaculture Research Institute. An integrated design including four dams and a large water harvesting system

2001 - 2002 - Dead Sea Valley, Jordan – Sustainable Arid Landscape Farming Model, demonstrating rapid reversal of salted landscape.

1999 – 2000 - Cegrane, Macedonia- Rehabilitation of a 120-acre refugee camp.

Louisiana, U.S. - Army Ammunitions Plant 1500-acre redevelopment

Central Vietnam – NICCO Forest, Permaculture demonstration and education center and rainforest regeneration, implementation of 2 dams and a large water harvesting system.

Central and South America

2002 Oaxaca, Mexico- implemented 3 dams, swales and designed new permaculture research institute.

1998 Costa Rica - implemented major earthworks

And dams. Initiated the Permaculture Institute process.

Consultancy, Costa Rica (10 days). 1997

Food forests & farms (various) - western Brazil

Sub tropical thorn desert (30 acres) - Ecuador

Fishponds & swales (80 acres) - Ecuador

Food forest, fishponds & native animal

Husbandry (600 acres) - Ecuador

Food forests & farms (various) - Peru

Rainforest & food forest (11 acres) - Ecuador

Sub tropical farm (3 acres) - Ecuador

Peruvian Amazon Aquaculture at Pucucalpa with Shipibo Indians.

Re-visited for consultancy 1996

Yachana Lodge; eco-tourist lodge (1760 Acres),

Napo River, Ecuadorian Amazon. 1996

North America

Hacienda Los Luceros, Santa Fe, New Mexico. P.C. Development Consultancies

1998 Louisiana L.A.A.P Consultancy


Macedonia 1999 re-design Cegrane 46 ha refugee camp as a permaculture research institute, including 8.2K of swales and a large number of swale bale buildings.

Demonstration garden (2 acres) - England

Energy efficient community (83 acres) –


Demonstration garden (2 1/2 acres) - England


Hundreds of design consultancy jobs completed throughout Australia many leading to the implementation of water harvesting earthworks.




2003 – 2004 3 Permaculture Design Certificate Courses Diversity Farm, The Channon, NSW, Australia. 1 in The Ministry of Agriculture of Jordan. 1 in Tulane University in New Orleans, Louisiana, USA, 1 in Cooroy, Queensland, Australia, 1 in Yalunga community, Barkers Vale, NSW, 1 in Oaxaca, Mexico, 1 in the Cypress Academy, West Wega, Louisiana, USA. 1 in Sinai, Egypt, 1 in Griffith University Brisbane Australia.

2002 – 2003 5 Permaculture Design Certificate Courses Diversity Farm, The Channon, NSW, Australia, 2 Weeks of short courses and presentations given in Jordan.

2001 – 2002 5 Permaculture Design Certificate Courses Diversity Farm, The Channon, NSW, Australia, 1 in Minden, Louisianna, USA.

2000 – 2001 3 Permaculture Design Certificate Courses Tagari Farm, Tyalgum, NSW, Australia, 2 in The Channon, NSW, Australia, earthworks implemented at Diversity Farm, 1 in South Shona, Dead Sea Valley, Jordan. 1in Minden, Louisiana, USA.

1999 – 2000 6 Permaculture Design Certificate Courses Tagari Farm, Tyalgum NSW, Australia, 1 in Macedonia with 129 students in one course. 1 in Central Highlands of Vietnam with earthworks implemented. 1 in South Shona, Dead Sea Valley, Jordan with earthworks implemented.

1998 – 99 12 Permaculture Design Courses, Tagari Farm, Tyalgum, NSW, Australia,

Large Japanese course 43 students - Tagari Farm, Tyalgum, NSW, Australia. 1 in Manaus Brazil with earthworks implemented.

1997 - PC Indigenous people’s workshop, Nimbin National P.C. Convergence.

Presenter at the International Permaculture Conference, Perth 1996 (“ Establishing and Maintaining a Strong Local Permaculture Group”).

Presenter at the National Permaculture Conference, Nimbin NSW 1997. (“Permaculture Working Within the Local Community”).

Workshop Presenter National Conference, Nimbin 1997 (Earthworks)

Co-presenter of “Third World Indigenous Peoples” Course, Nimbin, NSW, 1997

Presentation (slides), “Working in Indigenous Peoples in Permaculture”, Santa Fe, USA, 1997

Second PC Design Certificate Course (72 hours) Christiania - inner capital city alternative community, established 1971, Copenhagen, - Denmark. 1997

Working for the Brazilian Dept of Education on a second PC Design Certificate Course (72 hours), implemented large earthworks during the course in Agricultural College grounds. Manaus, Brazil. 1997

Second PC Design Certificate Course, Guatemala. 1997

First PC Design Certificate in Pine Ridge Reservation with the Lakota Sioux, South Dakota, USA. 1997

1996 - Bridgetown, W.A, two-day course for South and Central American PC activists

PC Design Certificate Course (72 hours) - Cooroy Butter Factory Environmental Gardens. 1996

First PC Design Certificate Course (72 hours) - San Lucas, Guatemala. 1996

PC Introduction Course (2 days) - Ecuadorian Amazon, Napo River, “Yachana Lodge” eco-tourist lodge. 1996

First Design Cerificate Course in Christiania. (72 hours) Denmark. 1996

1993 - 1995

PC Design Certificate Course (72 hours) - during which a large aquaculture dam was constructed. 1995

PC Design Certificate Course (72 hours) - Porta Velho, Rondonia Brazil. A test case course for the Brazilian government. 1995

PC Design Certificate Course (72 hours) - Manaus, Amazonia Brazil. A test case course for the Brazilian government. 1995

Five PC Design Certificate Courses (72 hours) - Cooroy, SE Qld. 1995-1997

PC Design Certificate Course (72 hours) - Cruzeiro Do Sol, western Brazil. 1995

PC Introduction Course (4 days) - Pucalapa, Peru. 1995

PC Design Certificate Course (72 hours) - Tena, Equador. 1994

PC Introduction Course (2 days) - Cotopaxi, Equador. 1994

PC Introduction Course (2 days) - Sushufindi, Equador. 1994

Design Implementation Workshop (2 days) - co presenter, Palmwoods, SE Qld. 1994

PC Introduction Course (5 days) LEAP participants - Caloundra, SE Qld. 1994

Food Forests Workshop (3 days) - presenter - England. 1993

Making a Living from Permaculture Workshop – presenter, Denmark. 1993

PC Design Certificate Course (72 hours) - Bundaberg, central Qld. 1993

PC Design Certificate Course (72 hours) - Assistant to teacher - Ballina, NSW. 1993

Participant and Student

Farming the Future Expo August 1999 – presentation of global P.C. projects

Farming the Future Expo August 1998 - 2 presentations of global P.C projects.

P.C National Conference Nimbin, as a representative for PC Noosa, September 1997

International Permaculture Conference - represented PAL & PC Noosa (4 days)- Perth. 1996

International Permaculture Designers Convergence - represented PAL & PC Noosa (3 days).1996

English Permaculture Conference - presented PAL slide show, attended teachers’ meeting.

British Permaculture AGM - helper (3 days) - England. 1993

International Permaculture Conference - helper (10 days) - Denmark. 1993

International Permaculture Designer’s Convergence - helper (3 days) - Sweden. 1993

National Permaculture Convergence & Expo - consultant - Crystal Waters, SE Qld. 1992

Energy Efficient Buildings Workshop (2 days) - Tyalgum, north NSW. 1992

Strawbale Building Workshop (2 days) - Tyalgum, north NSW. 1992

International Permaculture Conf (4 days) - T shirt printer, Pappinbarra, NSW. 1984

Permaculture Herbs workshop - Nambour, SE Qld. 1984

Permaculture Design Certificate Course - Bill Mollison (72 hours)) - Stanley, Tas. 1983

Introduction to Permaculture workshop (2 days) - Nambour SE Qld. 1982



Director of Permaculture International Limited since 2004

Director of Permaculture Research Institute, Tagari Farm

ABC Radio 10 to 15 minutes radio show every Tuesday morning since 1992

Numerous television and radio interviews on local and national television.

Permaculture Noosa Vice-President. 1996-1997

Assisted in the establishment of Permaculture Caloundra, 1997

Permaculture taken on as the policy for Family Agriculture of the Amazon, Brazil.1997

Permaculture introduced into the curriculum of the Agricultural College of Amazonians, Brazil. 1997

Brazilian government establishes a department of Permaculture within the ministry of agriculture, as a result of the succesful Brazilian test case courses. 1996

Cooroy Butter Factory Environmental Gardens, conceived, proposed and partially supervised a six month community garden design and construction project. 1996

Peruvian Amazon aquaculture system using Amazonian fish for the Shipibo Indians, Pucalpa, Peru 1995

The Butter Factory (Cooroy, SE Qld) - committee member. 1995

Permacultura America Latino (South America) - foundation director. 1994

Permaculture Noosa (SE Qld) - committee member. 1995 -1996

Permaculture Noosa (SE Qld) - president. 1994 -1995

Permaculture Noosa (SE Qld) - co founder,secretary. 1992-94

Tagari Publishing - representative (books & PC products). 1992

Permaculture Nambour (SE Qld) - committee member. 1985

Best of Permaculture book - co cartoonist.

Local fairs & events - permaculture stall holder.

Public forums & environmental issues - active permaculture participant.



PIJ.47 - Magazine cover art work - co designer

PIJ.51 - Brick & Tile Permaculture - author

PIJ.53 - The Sleeping Jaguar - co author

PIJ.55 - Ecuador - co author

PIJ 73 – Permaculture Aid in the Balkans

Green Connections – Future Food Security

The discussion continues

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