Started by the DesignOfPilot group July 2008, Added to the UnifyingPilot Jan 2010
Development of the Chaordic Institute
This is a process started by the DesignOfPilot group, facilitated by Martine that is planning the work for the next 3 - 5 yrs, for the Chaordic Institute.
Participation very welcome, just add your answers below (you need to have your profile up here)
1) Imagine the Chaordic institute to be very successful in 5 yrs time, for you what will it be like?
(who will be involved, what will they be doing, what work will people achieve through the Institute?)
aug09 > put this in the Vision page
2) From where we are now, what do you think is stopping us from achieving your vision?
(be specific and try and identify the true underlying causes, eg. if a car breaks down, you don´t need a jack, you need some way of lifting up the car)
Not knowing enough about how to make the most of this wiki facility (better now I´ve been show by Stephania face to face),
The front page not being clear enough about what the CI wiki content is (has discouraged me from looking throughout the site, as the overall plot hasn´t been clear to me - again better having had it explained by being here with Stephania).
Time and resources to commit to the Institute's development
Low awareness of the Institute by the international permaculture community and beyond
Mechanisms/ space to facilitate international worknet development
Maybe there are not enough people involved in the institute development and design so far,and maybe there are a lack of understanding of institute's function and objetives (to see the institute as one more project and not as a complement of the rest of the projects)
Stella: participation, imagination and resources, + the fear of centralizing. There are infact quite a few people involved, some have done lovely things already, but the dialogue is slow because we're so busy AND aren´t convinced of the priority-level of this right now. As global travel gets harder am guessing we'll either keep splintering off in to more and more varied groups and internet-based initiatives (happening now) or we'll do some centralizing of information if we can figure out how to reassure ourselves and our colleagues that this can be done without centralizing power or privilege.
Deeply ingrained egotism and competitive divisions in the permaculture movement. A lack of understanding in the movement about what permaculture action is...the belief that it doesnt involve sitting on your arse surfing the internet. Fear among many in the movement about how to meet their own daily needs - post petroleum stress disorder. Many simply dont know this project exists. Language - translation is key.
Stage 2
Practical actions to achieve the visions and overcome the blocks.
1) Looking at the visions and blocks above what practical actions do you think are needed now?
Re to develop the CPI reaching aims and overcoming barriers:
1. For all active permaculturists to have functioning profiles and understand how they can use the CI to
find out about each other (assuring them it isn't centralisation in fact the opposite plus its functions and objectives now and potentially in future) - needs for articles to go into national and international PC outlets (published adn web based) to introducec CPI and encourage folk to join.
2. To improve pc folk telling others about their work - needs to have more folk documenting what they do electronically. Help with may be needed with working this wiki thing to its optimum which is at least open to all immediately, also we could direct others to free website options for something for visually exciting (eg c/o Brtish Telecom (you don't need to be theri customer just a UK based community group) which my group has used after years of bumbling around with designers who don't deliver and then we can't afford to get their work hosted anyway...!)
3. To understand the contribution of permaculture pioneers - needs for the pioneer section to have a stronger introduction / justification and clarity on the value of the content (looks like it's those that went to IPC8 plus some others that didn't - not clear why these are the pioneers and would be good to have access to their insights eg links to their published work).
4. To plan to work in collaboration and make the best use of opportunities to meet face to face - needs for someone to drive collaborative work at any one time. Seems to have been left to Stella, not sure why. I would imagine there will be a need / or at least some value in pre-discussions for IPC9. Could this be an opportunity to develop and test run processes for colaboration?
2) Looking at the actions above what could you commit to do yourself to complete within the next month? (If anyone objects to an action can they state who they are and why and the action will be discussed until consensus is reached or parked for now).
1. Write an article for Permaculture Association Britain 'pcworks' and the e-bulletin about the CPI and include a note about the free website option c/o BT.
The Chaordic Institute has been set up to:
a) PUT FACES to permaculturists around the world
b) identify, value, dignify, celebrate & disseminate the great (but often unknown) work that many permaculture designers (individuals or teams) are doing around the world, including those which are not (necessarily) connected to a local or regional existing Institute, any group or organization, nor (necessarily) publishing their work (perhaps because they're too busy doing it).
c) help permaculturists to communicate with each other across geographical boundaries
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This Consultation was started by the DesignOfPilot group July 2008
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