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Page history last edited by antoniogaliza 12 years, 1 month ago


updated JANUARY 2012




Live in CHILE

Born in Madrid in 1963

email: antoniogaliza (at) yahoo (dot) es



Native: spanish

Fluently: english, french, galician

Conversation: italian, portuguese



More than 25 years of experience in the media bussiness (film & TV).









Expert on NGO management, UNED – Spain.







PERMACULTURE Curriculum Vitae 


Work Experience:

Galicia, Spain, Argentina, Chile



Creative Facilitation for Ecosocial Regeneration Workshop, GAIA UNIVERSITY, MARCH 2011






PC Experience - Summary

Antonio Palma Rico is PDC by the Argentine Permaculture Institute. He is developing his Permaculture Diploma.

At present, he participates on the project of the Spanish Institute of PermaCultura, from 2005 to 2008 collaborated with the PermaCulture Academy (spiral node Spain) as a teacher and in the organization of activities, courses and events.

Since 2001 have been learning and working in permaculture learning, education, design and consulting; organisational development; human rights and indigenous people; and NGO managing. His operations have been based in Galicia (autonomous region in northeast Spain) till year 2010, in 2003 & 2004 have been working, and visiting the reality of the PC in Argentina and Chile.

From year 2005 to 2010, he was committed to the development of the Permaculture on Galicia (Northwest autonomous country in Spain), and got involved in many design and educational projects. He did participate in the group “PermaCultura in Galicia”, integrated in the Iberian Permaculture Network.

Since november 2010, he is based in Chile to work on his Applied Permaculture Diploma, he is committed to support the Permaulture movement in Chile. 




PC  JOBS & PROJECTS, (education, design & communication)


>>> NOW


Creator of SUSTENTA ARAUCANIA, Consulting Services on Sustainability and PermaCulture


>>> In 2011


DESIGNING AND MAKING of the workshop “Aprendiendo Perma-Cultura Mapuche con el Duende Wingka” (learning Mapuche Perma-Culture with the Wingka goblin) for childrens of 7 municipality schools. PERFORMING AND PLAYING of the character “THE WINGKA GOBLIN”; with the Education Department of Municipality. Curacautín - Chile.


Lecturer at "Curacautin in Transition" Gathering, presenting Transition Towns metodology, Curacautin -Chile


Full time voluntary worK (from january to july), Ecoescuela el Manzano, Bio-Bio, CHILE (Gaia University CHILE)

Permaculture site, involving education, community development, Transition Towns initiative, eco-builiding, Permaulture Network


Creative Facilitation for Ecosocial Regeneration Workshop, GAIA UNIVERSITY, Given by Liora Adler and Andrew Langford. Universidad San Sebastian, Santiago de Chile.


Lecturer at 3rd "Bio-Bio in Transition" Gathering, presenting Transition Towns metodology, Concepcion -Chile


Permaculture Diploma Orientation course, GAIA UNIVERSITY, Given by Liora Adler and Andrew Langford. Ecoescuela el Manzano, Chile


PERFORMING AND PLAYING of the character “THE WINGKA GOBLIN”, included on the PermaCulture for Childrens Course, given by the Chilean Permaculture Institute, in the Ecoescuela el Manzano, CHILE. Video available at youtube. (spanish)


Permaculture Teacher (assistant), 2 Permaculture Design Certificate courses on January & February, given by Grifen Hope and Javiera Carrion on Ecoescuela el Manzano, Bio-Bio - Chile. Video available at youtube(spanish)


>>> In 2010 


Lecturer at Biocultura fair in Madrid, presenting and coordinating the pannel "Permaculture, a way to the necessary Transition" 


Permaculture Design Consultant. Fogar de Santiso, Luou, Galicia - Spain.

Perma/eco bussiness local project, involving traditional galician handmade, music and culture, bio-construction, organic agriculture and community design. Full-time job involving Governance design, Garbage Plan design and management, Communications and operations.


>>> In 2009


Coordination and organization of the "Xornadas Terra e Cultura Sustentable 2009" (link in galician): 9 autumn sessions of activities focused on Ecological, Social and Economic Sustainability; involving PermaCulture, organic agriculture, water, arts, culture, bio.construction, re-newable energy, re-cycling, sustainable mobility, and economy. centered on local sustainable development towards to a Transition Initiative.


Project presentation on public aid, in the Education for Sustainability Galician governement program, for the "PermaCulture Professional Course", developing carbon zero farm actions and Transition Town strategies for helping local group network towards a future Transition initiative.


Facilitation for the project of New ecovillage EcoSalvia 2010, PROPOSAL OF SOCIAL, ECONOMIC & ECOLOGIC DESIGN, presented on the gathering for interested people on "Proyecto de Ecoaldea EcoSalvia" on march 2009.


GAIA EDUCATION DESIGN FOR SUSTAINABILITY VIRTUAL COURSE. Social and Economic Dimensions. On line course given by Gaia Education & UOC (Universitat Oberta de Catalunya).


>>> In 2008 


Permaculture Design Consultant. O Fogar de Santiso, Luou Corunha - Spain.

Perma/eco bussiness local project, involving traditional galician handmade, music and culture, bio-construction, organic agriculture and community design. 


Coordinator of the round table of PermaCulture projects, lecturer of the presentation "Encarando el cenit del petroleo" (Facing the Peak Oil) at the Ecological Fair Feria Biocultura 2008 - Madrid


Permaculture Design Consultant. Sistemeco, Valença do Minho – Portugal. Educational & Permaculture project “Escola Livre” . (portuguese)


Coordinator of the gathering of the Northwest node of the Iberian Permaculture Network(spanish)


>>> From 2007 to present


Creator & owner of “PachacutiMedia: Media services for sustainability” . Low cost professional audiovisual & media initiative (small-sized perma-bussiness) for sustainability projects.


>>> In 2007


Permaculture Design Consultant. Municipality of Cangas do Morrazo, Pontevedra- Spain.

IDENTIFICATION, ANALYSIS AND PROPOSAL OF PERMACULTURE DESIGN (galician), on natural and green areas of "O Salgueiron - Massó". Sea-shore and industrial area, urban planning, involving Local Agenda 21 implementation, on the aim of recovering the old industrial environment. 


Author of press article published in magazine "Altermundo" of "Galicia Hoxe" newspaper. (galician)

"A PermaCultura como proposta para alcanzar un novo modelo social, verdadeiramente xusto e sustentable"


Permaculture Teacher and Organization, PDC Course of the Spanish Academy (spiral node) made in Tanquian, Galicia – Spain.

Video available at youtube(galician)


Media Coordinator & co-organizator of the pre-IPC8 Complementary Currencies (CC) Spanish Conference. Brihuega, Guadalajara – Spain.


>>> In 2006


Permaculture Teacherintroductory course on the Ecological fair “Terractiva” , Arzua, Galicia – Spain. (galician)


Lecturer at Biocultura fair in Madrid, presenting the proposal of three PermaCulture projects in Galicia. (spanish)


Lecturer on many conferences involving Permaculture and Sustainability: Ourense, Lugo, Vigo and Santiago de Compostela. Galicia – Spain.


>>> In 2005   


Permaculture Teacher, in 2 introductory courses on Santiago de Compostela, Galicia – Spain. (spanish)


Permaculture apprentice teacher, PDC Course of the Spanish Academy (spiral node) made in Sierra de Segura, Jaén – Spain.


>>> From 2005 to 2009 


Coordinator of the Northwest node of the Iberian Permaculture Network. 


Permaculture Design for Diploma: “Lugar de Xestas”, Educational & Permaculture project, Porto do Son, Galicia – Spain. 


>>> In 2004


Consensus Decision Making basic trainning, given in Madrid,Spain by Pablo Biedmar facilitator of "La Caravana Arcoiris", officially authorized by IIFAC(spanish)


Permaculture Design CERTIFICATE, given by Gustavo Ramirez & Silvia Balado, on the GAIA Ecovillage. Navarro – ARGENTINA. This course fullfits the 72 hours international PDC criteria and is extended to 95 hours, in order to cover the latin america reality.


>>> In 2003 & 2004


Permaculture Design Consultant. Corporación RUF (local NGO), Cunco – Chile.

“Lemu Kimeltun” (spanish): IDENTIFICATION, ANALYSIS AND PROPOSAL OF PERMACULTURE DESIGN in Cunco – Melipeuco, IX Region of Chile; for the creation of a protected area (37 ha. native forest & pasture lands), for Environmental Education and Capacitation in Sustainable Techniques and Systems, designed with PermaCulture criteria and based on the Agro-ecological Mapuche (native indigenous) cosmovision. 


>>> In 2002


Permaculture Introductory Course, given by Richard Wade (Permacultura Montsant Institute), Caldelas de Tuy, Pontevedra - Spain.




SPANISH PROFILE IN: http://institutodepermacultura.pbworks.com/AntonioP


Profile on thel World Permaculture Network (Antonio Palma Rico http://www.permacultureglobal.com/ )



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