Andy Goldring
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Leeds, West Yorkshire, Northern England.
0044 113 2622268 (home)
0044 113 2307658 (work)
andyg AT
Skype: andy.goldring
Came across pc in a phone box in London - met Bryn Thomas who I vaguely knew. Read everything I could find, and then soon after managed to get on a 31/2 month Permaculture and Environmental Design course at Bradford University, with Angus Soutar as lead tutor and a host of others - Andy Langford, Mike Feingold, Bryn Thomas, George Sobol, Patsy Garrard, Jamie Saunders. Worked on projects in Leeds, learning a huge amount from Wolf White and the Human Scale Development PRoject we worked on. Became volunteer for Pc Assoc and organised events, education meetings and the like. In 1996 became a trustee and in 1999 I was asked to take over the office as coordinator (for a year...) well that was nearly 10 years ago.
Organisational design - viable systems model, holisitc management, carver governance
Thinking and learning - Edward De Bono tools, Tony Buzan's Mind Mapping, Accelerated Learning skills
Soil building - currently investigating Yeomans, Holistic Management, Carbon Coalition Farmers of America etc
Network capacity building
Design processes and techniques (there is still so much to do here!)
Teaching, presenting, talking generally!
(I do practical stuff at home (slow eco-retrofit) and in garden / allotment, but have no illusions that I am a farmer)
Developing new mechanisms for information and local knowledge oversight / planning / action, to complement transition town type approaches
Wearing suits if necessary - meeting new people, organisations and disciplines so we can share this fantastic skills and values set we call permaculture
Offers and requests
To discuss and investigate any of the above interests, especially if it means that we can develop practical ways of building capacity within permaculture network and find ways to involve new people.
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